Friday, December 24, 2010

prayer: Abba Father

I wanted to share this reading with you. Take a few minutes to quiet yourself and your surroundings as Jonathan Helser sings this prayer over you. Open yourself and be blessed.

With love,

"Herein lies the secret, I believe, of the inner life of Jesus. Christ's communion with Abba in the inner sanctuary of His soul transformed His vision of reality, enabling Him to perceive God's love and care behind the complexities of life. Practicing the presence helps us to discern the providence of God at work especially in those dark hours when the signature of Jesus is being traced in our flesh. (You may wish to try it right now. Lower the book, center down, and offer yourself to the indwelling God.)" - Brennan Manning

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Why isn’t the church relevant?
Why does culture always seem to ooze relevance, but the church is inadequate in keeping up?

The church is in competition with culture; with the music, fashion, dialect, aesthetics, etc. The church competes while culture doesn’t compete with anything.

My question….why can’t church just be as culture just is?
